Festival Trajectoires 2023 CREATION JANUARY 2023 ABOUT SUPPORTED BY

"Before everything stops,
before everything starts..."

«2048» is a piece for 6 dancers and a dj, women and men who propose a troop strength, a hybrid choreographic ensemble.

For this new creation we are taking on a new challenge, that of «temporality». The piece will be punctuated by «acts» of different durations (1 second, 1 minute, 1 hour…1 year…), times that we imagine for acting, reacting, fighting, changing and exchanging, for living with fury and dancing until the end. It is about the principle of the deadline: how do bodies react to the time given between a beginning and an end, a start and an end, a start and a stop? Inertia or speed, improvisation or measure, calmness or passion are all possible paths.
The energy will be synonymous with emergency, the present moment will be solar to rush towards the future without fear. The flashes of energy and the letting go of the individuals, their postures or the motility of the ensembles will sign an impulsive choreography where writing and improvisation overlap.

Music is essential and will be the main master of the temporal episodes. It is composed by DJ Maclarnaque who is also present on stage, acting as a trigger for the events.
The piece wil end with another challenge, a musical work in crescendo with a deadline of 15’34: Ravel’s Bolero.

The set is our space made of technical elements of the theatre (architecture, projectors, rods, poles…). The projectors and light sources are as present on the stage as the dancers: a scenic signature, present in the previous shows, that we wish to question again.

"Time travel..."


Choreography: Annabelle Loiseau et Pierre Bolo Dancers / Performers: Tristan Sagon | Jérome Lebreton | Shane Santanastasio | Sandrine Monard | DJ Mac L’Arnaque Music: Mac L’Arnaque Soundtrack: Boléro by Maurice Ravel performed by Arpad Joo and the London Symphony Orchestra Lights: Fabrice Crouzet Costumes: Annabelle Loiseau Videos: Metlili Production: Chute Libre Company | Tifenn Ezanno | Marine Rioult | Aurélia Touati


DRAC Pays de la Loire dans le cadre d’ un conventionnement 3 ans | Région Pays de la Loire | Département de Loire Atlantique | Ville de Nantes | La Fabrique à Nantes | SPEDIDAM | Le Quatrain à Haute Goulaine Festival Trajestoires avec le Centre Chorégraphique de Nantes Ambra Senatore | Le Quai des Arts à Argentan | Théâtre Antoine Vitez – Ivry sur seine | Centre Chorégraphique de Créteil/Val de Marne – Mourad Merzouki | CNDC Angers – Noé Soulier | Le Cargo à Segré en Anjou Bleu